These WODs can be performed with minimal equipment. BY EMILY SHIFFER, APR 29, 2020 BERKO85GETTY IMAGES Your current home gym equipment may be pretty slim, limiting the types of workouts you can do during quarantine. That might make matters particularly bleak if you love the typically barbell-heavy WODs associated with CrossFit, since those workouts are especially […]
It is estimated that over 50 million Americans report difficulty sleeping. With our busy American lifestyle, where we are overcommitted in both our work schedules and personal lives, it may […]
von Tina Klostermeier, Fitness-Redakteurin Veröffentlicht: 28.04.2020 Wir bringen den Tabata-Trend auf eine neue Ebene – und jagen dich und deinen Puls mit unserem Ausdauer-Kraft-Workout für den ganzen Körper die Treppe hoch. Öfter mal die Treppe nehmen: Dieser sportliche Vorsatz für mehr Bewegung im Alltag lässt sich toppen.Keine Sorge, du musst keine Wolkenkratzer erklimmen oder stickige[…..]
We’re finding solace in logging miles, but what does it mean for our health? By HEATHER MAYER IRVINE, APR 28, 2020 CHRIS HINKLE This is a rapidly developing situation. For the most up-to-date information, check in with your local health officials and use resources like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health[…..]